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Legal Statement
The information contained on this website (www.eyesite.co.uk) is intended for information and reference purposes only. Any medical information is general and should not be relied upon as a replacement for seeking advice from a registered Optometrist or other medical professional. Eyesite (Reading) Ltd does not accept liability whatsoever of any kind for the information contained in this website or for any assumed diagnosis or treatment made from the information.
Eyesite do not warrant the accuracy or otherwise of their website or that it is free from defects or viruses. Access to the Eyesite website is free and no liability for loss or damage can be accepted by Eyesite in respect of the use of information therein.
Eyesite cannot be held liable as to the validity or otherwise of any information or material which a Visitor/User accesses via links within the Eyesite website and not maintained by Eyesite. These are external sources and as such are out of the control or maintenance of Eyesite.
Customer details are treated with the utmost respect by Eyesite. Personal Information as defined within the Data Protection Act, includes your name, date of birth, email and address. We may in the usage of this website require some or all of these personal identifiers to be deposited. Where such information is given, we are committed to protecting the privacy of the
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Cookies used by Eyesite – Cookies are small electronic files that are placed on your computer when you visit a website. They are often needed to ensure that the website works efficiently. The cookies we use are Google Analytics (_utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz) These cookies are used to collect information about how our visitors use our website. We use this information to see what visitors have found particular pages of use and how long they stayed on our website. This information is viewed in an anonymous format and also provides information on where our visitors come from.
Intellectual Property Rights
All design, text and graphics of the Eyesite website configuration are the copyright of Eyesite Practices Ltd or its content providers as applicable and must not be copied, published or reproduced in any format. Such usage will
constitute an infringement of Copyright.
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