Are Men or Women More at Risk for Eye Disease?

March 12, 2018

Women's Eye Health vs. Men's Eye Health

Women are at greater risk than men: one in four women will develop sight loss in their lifetime, but this only happens in one in eight of men. This is primarily due to the fact that women have a greater life expectancy than men. Women's longevity means that they live with eye conditions long than short-lived men.More women than men have age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma. Although there are no cures for these diseases, many of the effects may be lessened through early detection and treatment.Despite this, 25% of people in the UK are failing to get an eye test every two years. With an ageing population and a younger generation paying less attention to their eye health, the RNIB fear that this problem could be set to get worse.Cost was cited as the number one reason for both those who did and did not have vision insurance.  Other reasons cited were transportation issues and simply being “too busy” to make an appointment.

Presbyopia. It Affects Everyone

1.3 billion people over 40 years old suffer from presbyopia, one of the most common eye conditions that affects both men and women. Presbyopia is believed to occur because of a gradual thickening of the lens. This thickening restricts the flexibility of the lens, causing things to look blurry when you try to focus on close objects.

Protecting Your Vision

Fortunately, 75% of visual impairments are preventable or treatable. So how can women take extra precaution when it comes to vision?

  • Live a healthy lifestyle. Excess weight, smoking, imbalanced diets, and too much sun exposure can increase the risk of visual impairments
  • Find out if you're in an "at risk" group
  • Pay attention to symptoms and your eye health. If your eyes are hurting, burning or itching, you may have dry eye. This particular disease affects women more than men due to hormonal differences
  • No matter what your risk factors are, continue to visit your opticians regularly
  • Wear sunglasses. Exposure to ultraviolet UV light raises the risk of eye diseases, including cataract, fleshy growths on the eye and cancer. Wear sunglasses while enjoying time outdoors

Regardless of your gender, it's vital to your eye health that you get your eyes at least every two years. If you’re looking for a trusted opticians that provide exceptional eye care solutions alongside a personal experience… well, you know what to do!